Monday, August 11, 2014

Injustice Must Be Opposed

Injustices, whether in words or actions, that go unchallenged are an affront to civil society and are dangerous to the long term health of the social order.

How would things have been different in 1920s and 1930s Germany if people had spoken out against the growing institutional and societal oppression of that country's Jewish population?

What if the world had opposed the Apartheid policies in South Africa from their inception?

How would society have been bettered if gay and lesbian populations in all societies hadn't faced oppression and persecution?

Would there be peace in Israel and Palestine today if the world had opposed Israel's occupation of Palestinian lands and their unjust policies of oppression?

History has shown that to remain silent in the face of injustice is to condemn the population that is being victimized to pain, suffering and death.  It means that those who don't speak out or take action against injustice become accomplices to the injustices being perpetrated.

It is something that is unconscionable, especially in a democratic society where human rights are suppose to be guaranteed.

As members of civil society, as human beings, we should never allow words or acts of injustice to go unchallenged.  To do so is to take a step on the path to the breakdown of civil society and the social order, and towards the darkness of barbarism.

© F. Khan.  All Rights Reserved.

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