His willingness to cozy up to individuals and movements that espouse hate — be it racism, Islamophobia, anti-LGBTQ2 sentiments, or conspiratorial ideologies — reveals the depths of his moral depravity.
By Fareed Khan
The political landscape in Canada is undergoing a significant shift and 2025 will be a pivotal year for Canada politically. With Pierre Poilievre at the helm of the Conservative Party, many Canadians find themselves grappling with the prospect of his ascendance to the role of Prime Minister at the next federal election. While some might find solace in his substantial polling leads over Justin Trudeau, a closer inspection reveals a deeply concerning portrait of a man whose values, behavior, and ethos are fundamentally incompatible with the needs of our diverse and complex society.
This is a man who has been described as “Canada’s most dangerous, appalling politician.” A man who willingly and knowingly taps into some of voters’ worst instincts, stoking populist rage in Canada in much the same way that Donald Trump has in the US.
This is a man who has been described as “Canada’s most dangerous, appalling politician.” A man who willingly and knowingly taps into some of voters’ worst instincts, stoking populist rage in Canada in much the same way that Donald Trump has in the US.
Pierre Poilievre is the embodiment of the career politician and white privilege -- a man who has never held a job where his salary wasn't paid through the public purse. He earns a staggering $300,000 a year paid by taxpayers (five times the Canadian average), and his entire political existence is predicated on the very system that he claims to abhor.
Despite his rhetoric condemning “elites,” he has positioned himself squarely within the upper echelon of society for his entire adult life. He currently lives in a taxpayer-funded mansion and enjoys a suite of benefits that includes a chauffeur-driven SUV, personal chefs, staff to maintain his house and property, and 24/7 security detail. In addition, all of his household expenses – heat, hydro, phone, internet, etc. – are paid through the public purse. During his time as an MP he has also become a millionaire due to his taxpayer funded salary, and amassed a sizeable real estate portfolio. Living such a life of privilege makes Poilievre’s connection to the average Canadian utterly non-existent, despite his claims to understand the pain that Canadian families are experiencing at this time.
In an era where many Canadians struggle with the rising cost of living, Poilievre’s opulence feels like a slap in the face to those who are genuinely striving to make ends meet. How can any Canadian trust a man who benefits so enormously from public funds but has demonstrated no real understanding of the challenges faced by everyday citizens? If elected as Prime Minister, this disconnect would only widen, potentially leaving millions to navigate the economic landscape without the leadership and empathy they deserve.
Like Trump has done in the US, Poilievre has also cultivated and stoked hate and division among Canadian voters. His embracing of the convoy protesters that occupied downtown Ottawa in 2022 also gave support to white supremacist, racist, Islamophobic, antisemitic, and anti-LGBTQ elements. This approach is alarming and raises fundamental questions about whether he has a moral compass.

His willingness to cozy up to individuals and movements that espouse hate — be it racism, Islamophobia, anti-LGBTQ2 sentiments, or conspiratorial ideologies — reveals the depths of his moral bankruptcy. By embracing individuals within the Diagolon movement and echoing extremist views, he has consolidated a following that thrives on division rather than unity, fostering an atmosphere of intolerance in a country where inclusion and diversity essential to maintaining the pluralism that a large majority of Canadians embrace.
His divisive political rhetoric, which has increased in tenor since he became Conservative Party leader, is not only shredding the fabric of Canadian society but it is also encouraging a cultural mindset where hate is normalized. For a leader who claims to protect “freedom,” he paradoxically undermines the freedom of many minority communities by compromising their safety and dignity. Rather than offering a vision for a better Canada that embodies empathy, acceptance and political stability, Poilievre’s rhetoric often borders on the incendiary — propagating an agenda that stands in stark contrast to what an overwhelming majority of Canadians truly desire.
For most Canadians, empathy, compassion, and progressive values should be foundational traits for any leader aspiring to guide a diverse nation. Unfortunately, Pierre Poilievre has shown little to no understanding of these values, and instead has embraced the ideology and political practices of Donald Trump. His tendency to fabricate, manipulate, and gaslight demonstrates a willingness to deceive at the expense of those he should represent. It’s a troubling reality that has allowed him to build a base loyal not to truth or integrity, but rather to his ability to stoke anger and resentment.
Rather than fostering dialogue and understanding among citizens, Poilievre opts to exploit fears and grievances. His aggressive demeanour and penchant for personal attacks against anyone who disagrees with his political views reflects a desperation for power that is unbecoming of anyone who seeks the highest office in the land. When scrutinizing his record, one cannot help but conclude that he thrives in chaos, and seeks instability to construct a platform on which he can rise to the pinnacle of power in Canada. He is the complete opposite of a visionary leader, who would work to bridge divides and not exacerbate them.
The idea of Pierre Poilievre becoming Prime Minister is one that should instill fear in every Canadian. His policies seem tailor-made for the privileged and powerful, prioritizing the interests of corporations and elites over programs for the most vulnerable among us, and those that benefit the middle and working class demographic. By proposing deep cuts to government spending, which would target essential programs, he neglects his responsibility to foster community resilience and improve the lives of the bottom 90% of Canadians who are struggling to maintain their homes and support their families.
His agenda would cater unabashedly to the wealthy and privileged, projecting a vision of Canada that sidelines ordinary Canadians and marginalized voices. In a country that has historically prided itself on providing a safety net for everyone, Poilievre’s inclinations represent a stark contrast to the progressive ethos that most Canadians support, one that recognizes our collective responsibility to uplift one another.
Furthermore, he has stated his willingness to use the Canadian Charter of Rights “notwithstanding” clause to overturn the fundamental rights of Canadians to achieve his political goals. When a leader denies basic human rights for the sake of political expediency, this reveals their fundamental unfitness to lead and the danger they pose to all Canadians.
It's telling that brave Conservative political staffers have described Poilievre’s personality as one of “anti-charisma.” The disconnect he maintains with the electorate, paired with his inclination toward petulance, further alienates him from the core values that bind Canadians together. Rather than being a unifying force, he embodies a politics of irritation that fosters discontent rather than broad national solidarity.
Much like Donald Trump — his political and ideological comrade — Poilievre is adept at creating an atmosphere rife with hostility and divisiveness. This reactionary approach appeals to the lowest common denominator and does little to inspire hope or a collective vision for a better future. The manifestation of such politics is not just dangerous, it is potentially destructive.
Each turn of the election cyclel presents an opportunity for re-evaluation. And as the next federal election looms Canadians must reflect deeply on whether Pierre Poilievre embodies the values they want in a prime minister. If Canadians want a progressive government that caters to the needs and interests of the majority it is incumbent upon us to reject a political figure who thrives on manipulative rhetoric, embraces hateful elements in his party, gaslights the electorate, and promotes division. Canada deserves a leader who embodies a vision that seeks to unite and uplift — not one who revels in chaos and dissension.
In this pivotal moment, we cannot remain passive observers since the stakes for the country are far too high. it's time for Canadians who oppose Poilievre's vision for Canada to band together to confront the toxic politics represented by the Conservative Party and ensure a future that aligns with the values of inclusion, compassion, and unity that all Canadians can hold dear. The time for action is now. Together we can build a better Canada — one that rejects the dangerous allure of divisive politics and instead champions progress for all.
Khan is the founder of Canadians United Against Hate, a human rights
activist, and has spoken and written extensively on public policy issues affecting the lives and the rights of Canadians.
© 2024 The View From Here. © 2024 Fareed Khan. All Rights Reserved.
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