Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Canada’s leaders enabling anti-Palestinian racism and Islamophobia by refusing to condemn Israel’s genocide

Through words and actions over the past seven years the Trudeau government has been reluctant to even take symbolic actions to address the concerns of Canadian Muslims around hate targeting the community, even though 11 Canadian Muslims have been murdered in acts of hate since the 2017 shooting.
On January 29th Muslim communities across Canada marked the seventh anniversary of the Quebec City Mosque shooting where six men were murdered by a white supremacist in an act of hate, and the National Day of Action Against Islamophobia.  However, despite the significance of this day and what it symbolizes – standing against anti-Muslim hate and remembering victims of a deadly attack – Canadian Muslims are also having to contend with the deeply troubling situation of politicians and governments in this country enabling hate against Muslims.  This is the result of feelings of betrayal in the community about the unwillingness of the Canadian government to live up to promises made to take aggressive action to fight Islamophobia, and due to the government’s responses and actions since October relating to the genocide being committed by Israel against Palestinians in Gaza.
Since the first anniversary of this tragic event in 2018 this date has become a very poignant and sombre occasion for Canadian Muslims, and more so in light of events in recent months.  Since the 2017 attack Canadian leaders have seemingly supported the Muslim community, engaged with community leaders, participated in community forums and events, and used the correct language about the need to push back against Islamophobia.  However, as the last seven years have shown this may all have been political posturing to secure the support of an important voting bloc.  Because government responses to Muslims calling for aggressive action to fight Islamophobia and for the federal government to defend the fundamental human rights of Palestinians as they face genocide has revealed a different face, and it is a face that reflects deep-seated anti-Palestinian racism and Islamophobia.
The words and actions of Justin Trudeau’s government, many of his MPs, of Opposition leader Pierre Poilievre and members of his caucus, of some premiers, and a number of political party leaders of varying stripes across the country since October, have contributed to racist anti-Palestinian narratives and Islamophobia.  Their failure to condemn the genocide in Gaza and refusal to take action in international forums in defence of Palestinian rights has demonstrated that in truth they care little about the views of Canadian Muslims on the critical human rights issue of our time involving a people who are the most persecuted in the world today.
By defending Israel, by running political interference for them at the United Nations, by vilifying those who have condemned Israel’s crimes, Canadian politicians of all political stripes have enabled hate and Islamophobia against Palestinians – a racialized people who are predominantly Muslim. They have defended Israel’s assault on Gaza as an act of “self defence” while top UN officials and the leaders of other nations have condemned the targeting of Palestinian civilians.  They have been critical of those protesting in support of Palestinian rights, calling them terrorist sympathizers and “Hamas loves”, and they have conflated defending the human rights of Palestinians with antisemitism. In light of such political rhetoric, it should be no surprise that it has energized those in our society who harbour hate against Muslims and Palestinians.

Israel’s war on the people of Gaza has revealed a deep divide in Canadian society between elites and the majority of Canadians.  On one side are ordinary people who see Palestinians as a subjugated and oppressed people who have been denied human rights, justice and freedom for more than 70 years.  On the other are very privileged political, corporate and media elites allied with Zionist agents of Israel promoting the myth that Israel is a nation surrounded by enemies bent on their destruction, and that Palestinians are a fifth column who want to exterminate Jews.  These false, dangerous narratives and outright lies are used to justify Israel’s actions against Palestinians, even if those actions result in the death of tens of thousands of innocent people.
Since the start of the war in Gaza hundreds of thousands of Canadians have been protesting in support of Palestinians every week in cities and towns across the country, condemning Israeli crimes, and condemning Canadian complicity in those crimes.  They have been demanding that the Trudeau government call for a ceasefire, stop selling weapons to Israel, and that it sanction those Israeli leaders who have openly called for the genocide of Palestinians.  But given the government’s lack of action in response to the demands of Canadians it seems that political leaders don’t care about what people across the country want, and are also demonstrating a degree of inhumanity and indifference towards the suffering of a subjugated and persecuted people that hasn’t been seen since before World War 2.
According to the Geneva-based group Euromed Human Rights Monitor, as of January 25th more than 33,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israel in Gaza, with 13,022 of them being children and 7,160 of them being women.  In addition, the vast majority of the 64,000 Palestinians who have been injured have nowhere to go to be treated since almost every hospital in Gaza has been destroyed and trauma care is practically non-existent.  The group also puts the number of displaced Palestinians at more than two million and estimates that the number of homes completely or partially destroyed at more than 270,000.

The unwillingness of the Trudeau government to condemn Israel’s crimes against Palestinians and stand up for their fundamental human rights has given a green light to Islamophobes and racists in Canada to indulge in their hate, racism and bigotry.  According to police forces across the country there has been a significant rise in hate against Muslims and Palestinians since the start of the war in Gaza, and other than political statements and platitudes politicians at all levels seem to have done little to counter this rising Islamophobic hate and related racism.
Through words and actions over the past seven years the Trudeau government has been reluctant to even take symbolic actions to address the concerns of Canadian Muslims around hate targeting the community, even though 11 Canadian Muslims have been murdered in acts of hate since the 2017 shooting (the only faith community to experience deadly acts of hate).  While the government has declared a National Day of Action Against Islamophobia and appointed a Special Representative on Combatting Islamophobia, these actions came about only after years of intense lobbying by the Muslim community, and calls for more aggressive action to fight growing hate against Muslims has been largely disregarded.  Given the amount of time that the government took to take these actions, and given their one-sided statements supporting Israel since the start of the Gaza War, in which the vast majority of victims are Muslim, the National Council of Canadian Muslims has taken the unprecedented step of stating that Canadian Muslims no longer have a partner in the federal government.
A recent study released by the Senate Human Rights Committee stated that Islamophobia remains a persistent problem in Canada and concrete action is required to reverse a growing tide of hate against Muslims.  Canada’s political class played a role in spreading this hate going back to the 9/11 attacks, and it is doing so again with how it is dealing with the demands of Canadian Muslims and Palestinian Canadians that it take a principled human rights stand against Israel as it commits horrific atrocities in Gaza.  In addition, for two decades police reported hate crimes against Muslims as reported by Statistics Canada have increased with consistency, with numbers increasing some years by well over 200 per cent.  Given the significance of the January 29th anniversary it is deeply distressing for Muslims to see the government and politicians that are supposed to represent them and protect them instead take a stand on the preeminent human rights issue of our time – one that primarily impacts Muslims and denies the fundamental rights of a racialized community – which enables hate and racism against them.
It should also be noted that Islamophobia and anti-Palestinian racism are not just phenomena that happen on Canadian streets.  They also exist in the political class, within the news media ecosystem, and in the corporate class.  We have seen this since October in attacks and condemnations by political and corporate elites against Palestinians and Muslims who have called for justice for the Palestinian people.  We have also seen it in prejudiced and biased news media coverage, in the sidelining of pro-Palestinian voices around the war in Gaza by media, and with people who have supported Palestinian rights or criticized Israel being fired or black listed.
Canadians must realize that we are living in a dangerous moment in history both at home and overseas.  Freedom of expression is under assault and we are experiencing a Neo-McCarthyism in Canada, as many involved in pro-Palestinian protests are harassed, attacked, trolled online, and in some cases fined or arrested by police for exercising their Charter rights.  The democratic rights of those demanding justice for a people living through a genocide are being threatened, and those in biggest danger are Palestinians and Muslims who are the targets of hate and racism because of their public activism and their demands for justice for the people of occupied Palestine. 
If we are to get through this without shredding the fabric of our diverse and pluralistic society, if we want to preserve our democratic freedoms, it is up to all of us to demand that our politicians support fundamental justice and human rights of all equally, that it protect the freedoms of those who are standing in defence of Palestinian rights, and that Canadian governments and politicians stop using Muslims and Palestinians as props in support of a political agenda that undermines fundamental justice and the rights of a people being subjected to genocide at the hands of a racist, fascist, apartheid state.
Fareed Khan is a human rights activist and founder of Canadians United Against Hate.
© 2024 The View From Here.  © 2024 Fareed Khan.  All Rights Reserved.


  1. What a crazy website. GET OUT OF CANADA!

  2. Should be crystal clear by now. Mozlems aren’t wanted in The West. The most intolerant, hateful & violent religion on the planet.

  3. Why do you insist so much on trying to change the way Canadians think & feel? Why don’t you go back to where you born and leave us alone? Why stay in a place that doesn’t agree with Islam and its aim?

    1. He’s a Muslim immigrant hell-bent on tearing down “whitey”. That’s why he has allied himself with the Indigenous grievance mongers.

    2. These anonymous comments seem to be posted by the same person. It is hard to have a conversation with a heckler and I feel that this Blog is worth talking about. Let's chat!

  4. This article raises some very important issues about the racism and Islamophobia of Canada's political elites and their inhumanity as thousands of Palestinians are murdered by the racist, terrorist Israeli state (something they've been doing for decades). Of course it's no surprise to see the racist, white supremacist, Islamophobic and and genocide loving sub-human trolls who have commented above. Clearly the slime of humanity who posted the previous comments can't help but post their hateful commentary when the truth is revealed about the racism that is prevalent throughout Canadian society. These people should be lobotomized for the safety of the community and for their family's safety. Were it not for my safety and privacy I would post my name. But seeing as the trolls don't have the gonads to post their name and would harass me I think I will leave my name out of this.

    Keep up the good work Fareed Khan. If there had been more people like you when the Nazis were on the rise in Germany in the 1930s maybe there wouldn't have been a Holocaust. As the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. said, "The greatest sin of our time is not the destruction of the good around us by the few but the apathy of the vast majority who sit idly by as it happens."

    1. Thanks for your great comment. I agree with much of what you have to say and briefly considered doing so, anonymously. With much difficulty (including needing to allow 3rd party cookies) I was able to post using my name, rather than anonymously though. But that isn't for everyone. There seem to be consequences in Canada, for speaking up for Palestinians.

      I was thrown out of the NDP Convention when I stood in solidarity with a peaceful, non-disruptive Youth Palestinian protest. Eventually, the NDP gave me back my convention fee, but no apology and they certainly didn't tell members that I was in the right. So my reputation within the political party of my choice is now crappy and I'm unable to make the changes (that are needed) from within.

      My name and face are already known. My reputation has already suffered negatively and I've been publicly chastised by NDP Staffers, as well as removed by Security folks, simply for exercising my Charter Right of Freedom of Association. Thus, I no longer have anything to lose, by using my real name to show my support for Palestinians in their struggle for an end to Apartheid.

      Thank you Fareed Khan for telling and sticking up for the truth. I will continue to peacefully protest, demanding an immediate ceasefire and an end to apartheid. And I will continue to read this Blog and comment as appropriate. As Janis Joplin sang, "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose". I have freedom.

  5. Really great analysis of the situation we find ourselves in as Canadians at present. I disagree that there is a divide between people who sympathize with the plight of Palestinians and the rest sympathize with Zionist views. I think there are a huge number of people who aren’t educated on this topic, and others who are a bit afraid to speak out as they don’t feel knowledgeable enough to do so. They see the terrible death and destruction on the news, but they also feel sorry for those who were attacked on October 7th, and aren’t educated enough to know the prelude to the attack. Perhaps your writing and advocacy work will help fill the gap?

    1. We can grieve for all the victims, and condemn all the war criminals that targeted civilians.

  6. I see the Freedumb Konvoy folks have discovered your blogsite. Shake them off, as Taylor Swift would say. Just the scum that social media enables, nobodies with nothing lives.

  7. Very well written, informative and excellent analysis of how our biased/corrupt leaders are pandering to lobbyists, corporations, elites and completely ignoring the will of the people. Canadians are against genocide while Trudeau and his government are supporting it! They are definitely on the wrong side of history! Like Alanna above I was faced backlash from NDP and was removed by them as the duly elected 2019 Federal candidate for Dartmouth Cole Harbour because of two words they deemed problematic in a tweet about Palestine that they originally had vetted! Only became a problem for them when I beat their chosen one in a contested nomination! NDP leadership/administration (behind the scene people) have a history of anti Palestinian racism and tend to focus on appeasing an apartheid state! I’m also shadow banned on X(Twitter) for my pro Palestinian posts despite it being the last social media where Elon guaranteed no censorship! My handle is ranazamanNS but many can’t find me apparently! Key is to continue what you’re doing Fareed, do not let them silence you and they become more hateful because they’re triggered by the truth and by the loss of their false narrative/propaganda! Free Palestine!

  8. Fareed Khan thank you for your very incisive analysis. Too bad you didn't get this published as an op-ed in a newspaper.

    The past four months have shown that not only do we have anti-Palestinian racists and Islamophobes in federal and provincial governments -- Justin Trudeau, Pierre Poilievre, Ontario Premier, Ont. Liberal leader Bonnie Crombie, Ontario NDP leader Marit Stiles, BC minister Selena Robinson (and others) -- but we also have them deeply embedded among Canada's news media executives and editors, and broadly in the population. There was a poll done last year by Angus Reid which said that 36% of Canadians outside of QC have a negative view of Islam, compared to 56% within la belle province. These are numbers that are equal to or surpass the number of Germans in the 1930s who had prejudiced attitudes towards Jews. This sort of thinking is a danger to the fabric of our pluralistic society and yet our politicians generally pay lip service to it. There is a conflict coming with Muslims, Palestinians and Arabs in the cross hairs and our politicians are sleep walking us towards it.

  9. It's amazing how the racist and Islamophobic trolls go on the attack whenever any Muslim, Palestinian or Arab calls out the prejudice, racism and bigotry that is evident across Canada. One of their favourite attack lines is the "go back to where you came from" attack, assuming that just because someone is racialized or Muslim they weren't born here. It seems for them that only white people were born here and all others are interlopers. And then there is the attack where they question why these non-white, non-Christian people are critical of Canada. Of course their white privilege means they have no ability or are unwilling to see or accept that racialized people have faced injustice, racism, bigotry and hate since they were born here or arrived here as immigrants.

    There will always be racist trolls like the ones who commented above Fareed. Don't let them get to you and keep speaking the inconvenient truths that racists and haters don't want to hear. You're on the right track and there are many who feel as you do but can't do an analysis the way you have in this and your previous blog posts.

  10. Fareed Khan, I have read over a number of your blog posts on different subjects. You present your analysis in a very methodical way. Don't let the haters who have posted above get to you. And keep on writing about ugly truths that the racists, white supremacists and their sympathizers don't want discussed. They attack you because they don't have a leg to stand on. God help us all if their man in Ottawa -- Pierre Poilevre -- gets into the prime minister's office.

  11. A student referred your blog to me and I have to say that I find your commentary to be cogent and relevant to the issues your address. We need more public commentary of this nature from voices like yours. Also I commend you for your public advocacy in support of human rights and fighting hate. Canada is headed down a dark road with the rise of hate racism and bigotry over the past decade, and those voices who have posted racist and hateful comments on your posts are as insidious as the Germans who had racist attitudes towards Jews in the 1920s and 1930s. We saw where that led so don't stop being a voice calling out for justice.
