By Fareed Khan
In a personal
visit to President Truman a couple of weeks before the bombing, General Dwight
D. Eisenhower urged him not to use the atomic bombs. Eisenhower said (in a 1963
interview in Newsweek):
On August 6th
and August 9th, 1945 the United States committed the single worst act of
terrorism in history when it dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima
and Nagasaki. While it was justified as an act of war, the overwhelming
majority of victims were civilians – men, women, children who were not involved
in any way in the Japanese military.
clip from the 1983 Japanese animated movie “Barefoot Gen” about the Hiroshima
attack gives a glimpse into the horror and terror that the civilian
population of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were subjected to when the U.S. dropped its atomic bombs on Japan.
The US
justified its use of atomic weapons by claiming it was the only way to end
the war with Japan without sustaining many thousands more American casualties. Many
U.S. politicians, scientists and military experts came forward before the
nuclear attack to state that the war could have been ended quickly without the
use of the atomic bombs. They included:
- Admiral William Leahy, chief military advisor to Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman;
- General Dwight Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander in Europe;
- General Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Allied Commander in the Pacific;
- General Curtis LeMay, future head of the U.S. Air Force;
- Navy Secretary James Forrestal;
- former President Herbert Hoover;
- Albert Einstein; and
- Some of the lead scientists of the Manhattan Project.

“It wasn’t necessary to hit them with
that awful thing . . . to use the atomic bomb, to kill and terrorize civilians,
without even attempting [negotiations], was a double crime.”
The death
toll in the days, weeks and months after those nuclear attacks resulted in
a conservatively estimated 150,000 dead in Hiroshima and 75,000 dead in
Nagasaki. In the decades following the attacks, tens of thousands of the
survivors died from various cancers as a result of exposure to radiation.
War is state
terrorism on an epic scale but the perpetrators rarely if ever see the inside
of a court or are convicted for their crimes. World War 2 was an act of
terrorism instigated by Germany but involving most of the nations of the world.
The decisions by both the Allies and the Axis powers to target
civilians in their military strategy were criminal acts of terrorism, war
crimes, crimes against humanity, and violations of the 1899 and 1907 Hague
Conventions, and the 1925 Geneva Conventions. America's decision to target Hiroshima and
Nagasaki with their atomic bombs, where the majority of victims were civilians,
were acts of terrorism and unspeakable evil.
History is
written by the victors in that the most egregious and criminal acts of the
victor nation are rarely if ever brought to light or prosecuted. The US and its World War 2 allies wrote the
history of the atomic attacks on Japan to put the US and the Allies in the most
positive light. However, anyone who seeks the truth will discover that nations
that create empires build those empires on foundations of evil and the bodies
of the innocent.
The reality
is that US President Harry Truman, who had the final say on going ahead with
the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, is a war
criminal and should be remembered as such. And the United
States is a terrorist state not just for what they did at Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, but also for their actions in the 70+ years following World War 2
where they have (directly and indirectly) attacked any nation that dared to
oppose their foreign policy, challenged their economic hegemony, or stood in
the way of their global ambitions.
Of all the
nations on Earth, the US is the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of the world. On the
one hand it holds itself up as the shining light of democracy, human rights and
freedom, and on the other hand it undermines democracy, violently violates
human rights, and destroys the freedom of people in other nations whose
governments dare to stand up to the US. For modern examples all you have to do
is look at Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, and Venezuela.
It seems that
if you are not an ally or friend of the US, the only way to keep them from
interfering in your nation's business or violating your sovereignty is to do
like North Korea and build your own nuclear weapons – the very weapons that
made the U.S. a terrorist state in the first place.
To date the
US is the only nation that has used nuclear weapons against an adversary. As the
world marks the 74th anniversary of the 1945 attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
let us hope and pray that no other nation ever becomes the second.
© 2019 Fareed
Khan. All rights reserved.