Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Global Political Chaos and War Possible from Massive Climate Change

February 19, 2013 -- What if the effects of global warming resulted in the unthinkable happening? What if massive climate change caused by global warming resulted in the deaths of hundreds of millions of people due to mega-droughts, global famine, water and energy shortages, and nations used nuclear weapons to protect their dwindling resources?

It is a scenario that is more plausible than not.  It is so plausible that the Office of Net Assessment – the Pentagon’s highly respected internal think-tank – commissioned a report to explore the national security impacts of rapid climate change and how the United States should prepare militarily for this scenario.  In addition to the military option, the report’s authors call for ways to offset abrupt cooling.

The reportAn Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications for United States National Security
– was completed in October 2003 but was not publicly acknowledged by Pentagon officials until its key findings were leaked and published in some European newspapers in February 2004.  One of the key conclusions of the report was that within as little as five years, the world-wide security threat from climate change would be greater than that of terrorism.  Therefore, the United States needs to plan for a time when a fortress mentality will be the only answer to protecting its territory and its resources..
A Blueprint for the Department of Defense’s Strategic Assessment of Climate Change

The predictions contained in the report were based on research examining pre-historic weather patterns and studies of the ocean’s thermohaline conveyor which is responsible for controlling the world’s weather patterns.  Furthermore, this system of oceanic currents keeps the world’s warm and cold currents circulating and regulates the ocean’s salinity.
According to this research the rapid melting of the polar regions due to global warming would release massive amounts of fresh water into the oceans thus affecting ocean currents, ocean salinity, and raising sea levels.  This would cause the thermohaline conveyor to slow down thereby changing weather patterns world-wide.

An early climatic outcome would be massive and violent ocean storms ravaging sea coasts around the world, and making many coastal cities uninhabitable.  A projected 4°C drop in world-wide average annual temperatures would result in Siberia-like winters in Europe and North America, along with droughts and severely shortened growing seasons in the world’s food growing regions.  In the “have not” regions of the world tens of millions would die due to wars and famine in nations where resources are already scarce.  And as millions of migrants from Africa, Asia and South America try to find refuge in Europe, Japan, Australia and North America (regions better able to cope with these calamities) these regions would become virtual fortresses to keep them out.  These weather changes would also lead to nuclear proliferation as have not countries with the technical capability develop nuclear weapons to protect themselves from their neighbours, and to blackmail the “have” countries for assistance.

So how can we as individuals and nations plan for this global chaos?  To start with we need to increase pressure on our governments to implement the Kyoto Accords as a first step.  The next step is to work with the international community to convince the United States government (the world’s biggest consumer of energy) that it is in their political, economic and military interests to take the scientific evidence seriously, and also implement policies to mitigate climate change. 


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