Thursday, August 01, 2024

Anti-Palestinian racism and Islamophobia alive and well at highest levels of the Canadian government

Given the danger and impropriety of having an MP who is a racist and likely an agent of the Israeli government in such a prominent advisory role to the prime minister it is now time for Parliamentarians and others who oppose Canada’s amoral response to the genocide of Palestinians to oppose Anthony Housefather’s appointment.
By Fareed Khan 
The appointment in early July of MP Anthony Housefather to a new role as the federal government's special advisor on Jewish community relations and antisemitism has demonstrated again Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s very questionable judgment around how to handle racism, and shows that racism and Islamophobia are alive and well at the highest levels of the Canadian government with the appointment of someone who has pushed racist and Islamophobic anti-Palestinian narratives since last fall when Israel launched its war in Gaza in response to the October 7th attack by Hamas.  At a time when the Palestinian death toll in Gaza has surpassed 46,000 this appeasement to Zionist interests is inexcusable.
Housefather’s appointment also illustrates Trudeau’s anti-Palestinian prejudice.  Otherwise, why would he appoint someone who holds racist views about Palestinians to this new advisory role?  It also demonstrates the Trudeau government’s failure in the fight against hate in Canada, particularly as it relates to anti-Palestinian racism and Islamophobia.  Because how can one be committed to fighting hate and racism when there are racists sitting in influential positions at the top levels of government.  Since it was elected in 2015 the Liberal government has demonstrated that it is an unequivocal supporter of Israel, with its frequent defence of Israel at the United Nations, its unwillingness to condemn Israel’s crimes against Palestinians, and more recently Canada’s opposition to an investigation by the International Criminal Court into Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity in the occupied Palestinian territories.
Given Housefather’s very vocal support of Israel, its racist and genocidal leadership, and his willingness to run interference for Israel within the Canadian government, his appointment is completely inappropriate and will damage the fight against hate in Canada, as well as fail to uphold the human rights of Palestinians in Canada and Occupied Palestine.  There have already been numerous instances of him and other Liberal and Conservative Members of Parliament, as well as by heads of Canadian universities and right-wing news media commentators to demonize those protesting in support of justice for Palestinians, and suppress their rights under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms since last fall.  This is very likely to increase with Housefather’s appointment since his anti-Palestinian comments, and his support for the Israeli government and its military assault on Palestinians will energize anti-Palestinian racists and Islamophobes.
Housefather’s appointment begs the question why is an MP who has pushed racist and Islamophobic narratives against Palestinians being appointed to this new role when there is already a special representative to fight antisemitism?  No one who has promoted racist narratives should ever be appointed to a government position with the purpose of fighting hate when they have themselves promoted a type of hate.  If the incumbent who is the special representative has been ineffective then the prime minister should replace her rather than creating a new position for purely political reasons.  With the creation of this new role we now have another government voice who will use the excuse of fighting antisemitism to push racist anti-Palestinian tropes, and deny justice to Palestinians and work to suppress their rights.
If any MP had promoted antisemitic narratives and sided with a foreign government that was committing atrocities and genocide against a Jewish population it is guaranteed that they would never be appointed to a high-profile Canadian government role, much less one advising the prime minister on an issue of hate against a minority community.  The fact that Housefather was appointed to this new position shows that this prime minister and his government have not only lost sight of what it takes to fight the various facets of hate, but they also seem to care little for the lives or the fundamental human rights of the Palestinian people, whether it be here in Canada or those suffering atrocities at the hands of the Israeli government.
For the last nine months Housefather has promoted and supported anti-Palestinian racist and Islamophobic narratives (along with Conservative MPs).  In addition, he joined with the Conservatives and two Liberal MPs to oppose an NDP motion in the House of Commons calling for a ceasefire in Israel's war on Palestinians, and criticized those of his Liberal colleagues who supported the motion.  The motion also included a number of other important provisions to help the Palestinian people which he opposed, including sustained and unhindered humanitarian aid for Palestinians, ending Canadian arms exports to a state committing atrocities against defenceless civilians, and an end to a genocide being committed against a people who have been enduring the longest and most brutal occupation since World War 2.  In addition, Housefather travelled to Israel, along with several other MPs and a delegation of Canadian Jewish community representatives, to stand in solidarity with and defend Israel – a racist, genocidal regime where political leaders have called for the extermination of Palestinians from Gaza.
Based on his record since last fall it is practically guaranteed that the platform Housefather’s new role affords him will be used to push pro-Israel narratives within the heart of the Canadian government, making him an agent of Israel.  And this is happening at a time when Canada is holding a public inquiry into foreign interference.  Judging from his previous actions he will likely use his new position to call for suppressing the freedom of expression rights of Palestinian-Canadians and malign and slander them by labelling their anti-genocide protests as “antisemitic” as they try to assert their rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Housefather's actions since October have shown him to be an anti-Palestinian racist and Islamophobe, a supporter of genocide, and unfit to hold any prominent role in government much less one related to fighting hate of any sort.  By appointing him the prime minister ignores the fact that you cannot fight one sort of hate by appointing someone to a prominent government post who has a record of promoting hate of another sort, which is what Housefather's record over the last nine months has shown.
Thankfully at least one Liberal MP, Shafqat Ali from Brampton-Centre, had the courage to speak the truth about the unsuitability of Housefather in this new role.  In a statement given to CBC News MP Ali said, "I think his appointment won't be helpful in addressing antisemitism or Islamophobia because he lacks judgment and has contributed more in dividing Canadians in the last eight months."  His view on MP Housefather’s appointment is one among those of many prominent Canadians who feel similarly.
Given the danger and impropriety of having a racist and agent of the Israeli government in such a prominent advisory role it is now time for other Parliamentarians and others who oppose Canada’s amoral response to the genocide of Palestinians to join Ali to oppose Housefather’s appointment.  They need to tell Prime Minister Trudeau the folly of appointing Housefather to this new role, and demand that he appoint one of the other Jewish MPs who clearly have better judgement and a more balanced viewpoint on the issue of Israel and Palestine.  Housefather’s record shows that he supports Israel even as it commits genocide, will very likely undermine the human rights of Canadians protesting genocide, and is an anti-Palestinian racist and Islamophobe.  The only mistake that could compound his appointment is to ignore the calls to replace him.
In the past when Conservative MPs have engaged with racists and white supremacists, shared racist or Islamophobic messaging on social media, or pushed racist narratives the prime minister and Liberal MPs have called for them to be removed from the Conservative caucus or resign.  The same rules should apply to Housefather whose words and actions have shown that he is unfit for this new advisory role let alone to be a Member of Parliament.
Fareed Khan is the founder of Canadians United Against Hate and a human rights activist, and has spoken and written extensively on human rights and the fight against hate in Canada.
© 2024 The View From Here.  © 2024 Fareed Khan.  All Rights Reserved.


  1. "Anti-Palestinian racism" is a nonsensical term because Palestinian is not a race.

    1. "Anonymous" is an alias for a racist, white supremacist, bigoted, Islamophobic, antisemitic, anti-LGBTQ, white trash, fascist asshole.

      Give it up schmuck. You're pathetic.

    2. Dear, Y.Shaprio (aka Fareed Khan),
      1) Your reply to a factual statement is baseless accusations and insults. This shows that you have no valid argument.
      2) You don't understand the meaning of the word, "alias".
      3) I am not white, love Jews and have several gay friends.

    3. If you weren't such a gutless, racist coward you'd post your name with your comments. If you are the symbol of pluralism and inclusivity that you claim to be then have the balls to post your real name.

      As for your accusation that I am Mr. Khan, I wish I were since he is clearly a man with integrity and humanity which you clearly lack.

      As I said before, you're a schmuck and you're pathetic. And as we say in Yiddis: ir zent a luzer.

  2. Mr. Khan thank you for writing this. As an anti-Zionist Jew I find the actions of the Canadian government and MP Anthony Housefather reprehensible with regard to what is happening in Gaza, although they don't rise to the level of genocidal criminality of what Israel is doing. The racist narratives against Palestinians that Mr. Housefather and Conservative MPs have pushed has enabled racists like anonymous to come out of the slime in which they dwell. Please don't be discouraged by the racist commentary of people like "Anonymous" who clearly seems to have a thing for your given how many times he has commented on your various articles. I look forward to your next insightful post.

  3. As an anti-Zionist Jew I appreciate the information and analysis you provide in your posts on human rights and anti-racism, and particularly on the Gaza genocide currently underway. Please don't get discouraged with comments made by soulless racists like "Anonymous" whose inhumanity is evident in all their posts, and who don't have the b*lls to post with their real name.

    Please keep posting and keep speaking truth to power.

    To quote Martin Luther King Jr. "The greatest sin of our time is not the destruction of the good around us by the few but the apathy of the vast majority who sit idly by as it happens."

    1. Do you really think everyone posting anonymously is the same person?

    2. Is it a coincidence that all the "anonymous" posts focus on attacking what Mr. Khan is writing about and are tinged with racism and Islamophobia? I think not!

    3. There's an anonymous comment on this very article that doesn't fit your description. Think again!

    4. But I'm not attacking Mr. Khan for what he says unlike all the other anonymous posts which do. The consistency of attacks with the previous posts is an indicator that it is the same person and it could very well be you Mr. Anonymous who posted on Aug. 04 and Aug. 05 at 10:10 am.

    5. Hello, Y. Shapiro. None of the people commenting on this article (including yourself) have provided their full names either. Y. Shapiro, Jennifer P. and R. Owens are just as skeptical as any anonymous contributor.

    6. Says the person who hasn't given any name whatsoever who has posted a comment that denies racism against Palestinians. At least I and the others who you refer to have given a name unlike you. You're such a hypocrite. Go crawl back into your troll hole.

  4. Mr. Khan, I only recently found your site and greatly appreciate your efforts to bring to light human rights and anti-racism issues. I'd also like to apologize as a white person for the racism and hate you are being subjected to for trying to educate people about how much injustice there is in our society. Clearly whoever this "Anonynous" is he has a hate on for you because of your honest commentary. Clearly he needs to rediscover his humanity and get a life.

  5. It's unacceptable that an MP who has used racist and prejudiced language against Palestinians would be appointed to a senior role advising the PM. As you say if the Conservatives should be held to account for their MPs making or sharing racist comments then so should this MP who has supported a nation committing genocide.

  6. Thanks for raising awareness about how our politicians violate the very basic tenets of justice and lie to Canadians when they say they are against racism and bigotry.
